Deployment Life...
Today Grady offically left the states for Afganistan-- he'll be off the grid for awhile and I'll be hanging onto my phone like a crazy person anticipating any phone call that might be from him! I am prepared for this deployment, I think! I am surrounded by amazing people who are going thru the same thing and I do live on one of the most beautiful islands in the world, so I CAN DO THIS! My motto: The kids can have bad days, and I can have bad days but as long as our bad days don't collide everything will be okay!
Grady left last Saturday and has been in NC getting his things together and to my surprise this past week has gone by fast!! I just hope the next 6 or 7 months will go by as fast!?! This deployement for me will consist of Ansley's 2nd birthday, Connor's 6th birthday, Connor's basketball and baseball season, Ansley's many mile-stones, and Connor graduating from Kindergarten. Not to mention Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, and possibly Connor starting 1st grade (depending if Grady gets back in July or August). That's alot to think about, so for awhile any following posts will be regaurding my life as a wife of a deployed Marine!
This could get interesting =)