Friday, August 19, 2011

Foto Friday

My blog has been neglected, but I'M BAAACK!!! =)

Who would have thought I would have no time to blog while my husband was deployed!?! I certainly thought I'd have alot of time on my hands to create fantastic blogs at least ones a week-- 6 months later the deployment is over and I blogged a GRAND TOTAL of ONE TIME!! Needless to say, I was busy busy busy and I wouldn't of had it any other way! When I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off I was waiting for Grady to call or get online and chat. 6 1/2 months later my hubby is home!

The kids and I spent the days before Grady's homecoming making this sign. Connor said, "Daddy is going to be sooo proud!" Homecomings are very special to military families. As an adult, we understand all the sacrifices-- the lonely nights, the missed holidays and birthdays, etc. Children do not understand it at all-- many times while Grady was gone Connor would act out (about the most off the wall things) and it would all come down to him missing his daddy. Connor was my rock through this deployment just as much as I was his. He would cry at night and I would comfort him and I would cry sometimes too and he always knew what to say to make me smile again! He is my little buddy and such a good big brother to Ansley too!

Connor really grew up during this deployment and took Anlsey under his wing. I am so blessed to such happy healthy babies! * In this picture we were going to surprise Grady at the barracks-- it was 5AM! We were all so excited-- the time didn't matter!!

Much to OUR surprise, as soon as we walked around the corner the van pulled up and THERE HE WAS!! Connor was sooo happy, but I also think more than anything he was relieved that his daddy was home and safe!

Ansley was a little shy at first, but it take her long to warm up to her daddy. She looked at him and said, "Hi, I'm Ansley! What's your name?" Grady replied, "I'm daddy!" Ansley said, "You ARE my daddy!!" It was sweet! She has always been a daddy's girl and now they are inseparable =) Being together again is such a great feeling!

*Distance DOES make the heart grow fonder*
Our relationship and marriage is proof of that!!