Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things that make me happy...

I have been browsing through some of my favorite blogs (procrastinating on the housework) and I was inspired to blog about a few things in my life that make me happy... Let's call it Happy Wednesday!!

First thing in the morning I love to snuggle up in a chair with a cup of coffee. It helps me start my day AND I really love those morning when I wake up and do this before anyone else is awake-- I enjoy having my first cup when its nice and quiet!! =)

I prefer my coffe with half&half and sugar, please!

Next, my day is sooooo much better when the sun is shining! Even if the weather is only 30 degrees and long as the sun is shining it makes me smile and more things tend to get accomplished.

Doesn't everyone feel better when the sun is out? This makes me wish for warmer weather!!

And to wrap up my Happy Wednesday post, happiness wouldn't be possible without my family and friends. They are what keep me going day in and day out and I am thankful for them!!

Hope you all have a Happy Wednesday! Take a moment and think about some things that make you happy...

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